Our groups provide information and support from our facilitators as well as from other parents who are often facing similar experiences.

Being a parent of a toddler can be both joyous, as you watch your child tackle so many incredible milestones, as well as challenging, often filled with self-doubt about how to best support your child. All parents are welcome to join, even if you are not a first-time parent! This group is designed for those who want to learn more about raising a toddler in a fun environment with other families! Our groups provide information and support from our facilitators and other parents who often face similar experiences. Each meeting focuses on a specific topic, such as developmental stages, parenting techniques, family dynamics, etc., that is discussed in an inclusive way that aligns with what your toddler may be going through developmentally... behaviorally, physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally. While the parents are engaging in discussion, the toddlers interact with one another and with toys and activities designed specifically for their stage of development. There will be toys for the kids to use on a blanket in the middle of the circle. We end each meeting with songs.
Bring yourself and your toddler, a waterproof blanket to sit on, and anything you need to make you and your toddler comfortable. The groups are for either mom or dad only—one parent attends at a time. Multiples are welcome!
Location is Holmby Park. 601 Club View Dr., L.A. California 90024 We will meet in the grassy area just south of the playground, so you can park on either Comstock or Club View Drive.
Fee for a 10-week session is $495.
Session Date: Oct. 26 - Jan, 25, 2023 Wednesdays 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM (No meeting Nov. 23, Dec. 21, Dec. 28, & Jan. 4)