One of the reasons parents love our Sensory Groups is because we think of fun, engaging activities and we are intentional about the type of experiences we know help toddlers learn and have fun! The other reasons are that we provide the stuff and do the clean up! Here is an example of an activity we are doing this week, along with an explanation of what areas of development are being targeted. Try it at home....or head on over to our Programs Page and sign up for a session!


For each child, 1 cup of cocoa powder, 1 cup corn starch, 1.5 cups water; extra water for washing, sponges, soap, mini drying towel

Tools: 2 trays for each child, ladle or spoon for mixing, toy cars and toy trucks


  1. The car wash activity starts with getting dirty the cars--and probably your clothes and hands--dirty. Allow your child to make mud by pouring cocoa powder and cornstarch into a tray and mixing, add the water and continue to mix until you get that muddy texture. Add more water if necessary. Your child may want to use the spoon or may want to get in there and mix with their hands--both are encouraged.

  2. Pass out toy cars and trucks to each child and let them go to town, driving the vehicles through the mud for 5 to 10 minutes. Talk about how the mud feels and smells.

  3. Pass out an additional tray, fill it with clean water, liquid soap and sponges. Model for them: Washing the vehicles in the clean water and drying with small towel. 


Fine Motor: Your child is practicing their pincer grasp by picking up and using the instruments, and is building muscle and coordination in their hands by mixing, moving, washing and drying.

Tactile Experiences: Some kids love getting their hands dirty while others seem to really dislike it. Either way, it's great to expose littles ones to all different types of textures, temperatures and surfaces. All of this exposure teaches them about the world around them and prepares them to participate in art, science, gardening, cooking and so many things in a meaningful way

Sequencing: Learning that things have an order is an important lesson to expose toddlers to. In this activity, there is an order to the process: make the mud, get the cars dirty, wash the cars, dry the cars. As they get older they will have ample opportunities to put this exposure of sequencing to work...using water colors, making meals, daily routine, etc.

Independence & Control: In a world filled with people telling them what to do and how to do it, this activity affords your toddler a certain amount of autonomy in how they want to approach it. They decide how much of the various powders to pour in, they pour in the water, they decide how to best dirty the cars and they get to clean them--what could be better?!

Prepping to be a Contributor: Hoping to raise kids who know how to pitch in around the house? No time like the present to get them started learning how to clean and guess is they already know how to make a mess!


